This is my first post for this new blog, and I really have been meaning to begin this sooner! So...better late than never.
I've been doing lots of creating lately, and wanting to get some of it here to get myself even more motivated.
My hope for this place is to just jot down some daily thoughts, photos, and basically have a spot to laugh at (with) myself and the daily stuff of my life.
With all that said, here goes...
I am so happy to see that you started a blog! I have a very old one that I plan on restarting soon. I started the ATCs but did not get very far. I have Lupus and went in to a flare which led to a cold and pneumonia. I have been to sick to create at all. I hope to feel better soon and mail on time but these are always a terrible circle and I have no way of knowing how long this one will last. I just wanted to give you a heads up in case I am late. I promise too get back out there as soon as my crazy body allows!